Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I Don't Care Hair

Today I want to talk about hair. Hair is the glory of a woman. Your hair says so much about what kind of person you are. In the same way that you dress how you feel, you often do your hair the way you feel. 
There's sophisticated hair pulled up in a clean bun. 
There's wild and fun open crazy hair. 
There's flirty curly hair.
 There's rich silky straight hair.
 There's creative braided hair. 
And then of course, my favourite, I don't care hair. This is either my hair tied up into whatever it wants to do up there or leave them messy and  open and untouched. 

Hair can be a feisty thing. I remember the days when my hair were the cause of tears or just a very bad day. It's interesting how good we feel about our hair is how good we feel about ourselves as a person. That would make sense though if hair says so much about who you are.

Where I used to fight and hate my hair, I have learned to love and embrace my hair. Where I used to force my hair to become something they didn't want to do at all, I have learned to understand my hair and work with what they want to do. In the end that is what's natural and beautiful and it makes for a much happier and confident me! It's because I'm being myself. 

So what do I mean with "understanding your hair"? What do your hair naturally want to do? Are you frustrated that they're always so extremely straight and have no fullness? Are you annoyed at your odd kinky hair? Are they too thick? Too thin? Well, turns out you want someone else's hair and someone else would like your hair. So let's just get that out of the way - I am not jealous of anyone else's hair. Perfect. That's step # 1

Step # 2. Work with your hair instead of against it. If you have a certain hairstyle in mind and you will not give up till you get the perfect look, well, I don't know about you, but I normally end up being very frustrated and there goes my day. Say you are trying a quick nice up do and you don't have a lot of time, but it ends up looking a little messy and lopsided. What normally happens is that you can try again and probably again and then yet again. But it just gets worse as time goes on. Worse with your hair and your attitude because your running out of time and in your mind you are looking less and less beautiful when all you wanted was to make a little bit of an effort to look a little extra beautiful.

Here's what I have learned to do - try it, and if it doesn't work for you then just scrap whatever I have to say - but first take a deep breath. Take a step back from the mirror and take a look at your hair. Don't get mad at them but try to understand them. Today they are wanting to be cute and a little messy. Think of a different look that matches what you are seeing. All you might need to do is tuck in a few more hairs and your done. Or just pull out a few more and add a bow and there is your cute messy, slightly on the side bun. No sweat, no tears and your on time looking good and yourself because that's what your hair want to do.

It has become my own little inside joke at how often on the days that I basically threw my hair together into whatever (with no sense of pride in what I'd done) that that is when I get complimented and people ask me "how did you do your hair!" That's what is funny because I can't tell them how I did it. I just felt horrible about my hair so I just did whatever they wanted to do and there it is and I don't know how I did it. But it has become my signature way to do my hair. My secret is out! And I love my hair. I feel like me and my hair have a really good relationship now. As I'm ok with doing what they want to do, my hair seem to gladly do what I want to do as well.

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't care about how you look. And I'm not saying to not do your hair appropriate for the occasion. But sometimes you almost need to get that attitude of "I don't care" so that you can stay at peace with your hair and with your self which looks a lot better on you than forced hair and a forced smile.

Step # 3 ties the last two steps together. Don't try to make the type of hair you have into a different type. You just can't. 
If you have genetically thick curly hair you can't expect when you straighten your hair to have silky straight asian hair. Find out what works for your hair. You can get ideas from how other people do their hair but never expect to get their perfect results. Your hair will always do their own thing. And that is what's beautiful and unique and makes you YOU! So embrace it and work that hair!

Hint: Maybe next time when you do your hair you need to relax a little and try something new. Sometimes you got to try a few times to understand what your hair want. But don't be uptight, and be ok to do something your not used to. All it might take is some mousse, a different shampoo, a different hairstyle... and TADA! Suddenly you will be in love with your hair! That's how it's supposed to be.

P.S. I hope to follow up with posts of different things I've done with my hair and tips I've learned in beauty school. And again this is coming from someone who loves to express who I am with my hair, yet has no patience to do anything "perfect". So hope you will enjoy.

I would love to hear your comments on your frustrations and successes of hair! Can you identify?



  1. I love my crazy curly hair now. Used to be I would straighten and straighten and still have curls. Now I just go with it. Sometimes they are completely wild and sometimes they behave very well.. But I've come to love my hair. I can do so much now that I don't have one particular thing I want them to do.
