Monday, February 24, 2014

Beauty Part I: Beauty Made Practical


I love doing people’s makeup. It’s fun and rewarding. I like seeing the transformation on their faces and their whole appearance.  As a makeup artist I observe the details of their facial features… their eye color, their skin tone, their facial structure to see how I can enhance their beauty the most. I like making colors work together to complement and harmonize with the whole face.  There is a reason it’s called a makeup ARTIST.  I’m an artist. That’s what I do. I play with color on a canvas. Any artist knows that just a hint of one color can change the whole look of their masterpiece. Every tint, every shade counts. Yet there are no rules as an artist, you can play as much as you want and use any technique you want as long as it works for you. Beauty has no limit.

 So do I think that a woman has to wear makeup to look beautiful? Absolutely not. I just like being an artist. Makeup is just the extra touch to her beauty. I think we’ve all seen a girl wear makeup that did not look good at all.

So why do some girls not carry their beauty well? One obvious reason is that many girls just don’t know how to properly apply makeup and to work with color so it goes with their skin tone and eye color making them look fake. Another reason is cuz they simply may not be taking good care of their skin and body so it can’t look as beautiful as it was meant to. And other girls are not aware of where their true beauty actually comes from. Here’s the clincher: a girl may not use makeup and she may not have the “perfect” skin and body, but people are still attracted to her because of her beauty. Beauty is not really about the makeup at all!

So what are the secrets to looking truly beautiful? I will share some personal tips. They may not be the ultimate right answers, but these are things I have learned to be true from my own experience.

Physical beauty comes from taking care of your physical body. How many of you know that when you’re sick, you just don’t look as good. You have one day where your sick and you don’t eat and so you look haggard and pale with dark circles under your eyes. Not to mention when you see a person in the hospital with a serious or permanent disease you see all kinds of ugly things happen to their body. (May I just insert here that anorexia is a serious disease that will end up making you look worse!) So that leads me to tip #1.
Eat well! You don’t have to be on a strict diet all your life. I believe in enjoying all foods. But just don’t eat till you feel that ugh full feeling. Stop before that. Cut down on the greasy sugary foods. Make those foods a treat, not your daily diet.
Drink lots of water! Just have 2 1 liter bottles standing around and make sure you drink them in one day. Can I just say that after doing these first two things alone, I started losing weight and feeling better about myself? I realized it might be easier than I thought!
And of course, exercise. Now exercise, is not just to lose weight. Exercising gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing. So it’s healthy for your heart and your lungs in the long run. The blood flowing and the muscles working helps your body to get rid of toxins (poison that kills you) and makes your cells come alive. If toxins leave your body and your cells come alive, your skin starts to glow a healthy color. When toxins leave your body your acne has no need to be there.

Pop some vitamin E or vitamin D pills. This is what you need to have healthy skin and hair and nails. Especially for girls who live in Canada or places like that that have long winters don’t necessarily get enough vitamin D.

Do a mask for your face every once in a while to get rid of the dirt and excess oil that builds up and clogs pores.

Keep your face cleansed and moisturized. Talk with someone who knows about skin and ask them how to best take care of your skin as there are multiple different skin types so that means no one takes care of their skin the same way. Someone with really dry skin would not use masks and would not need to wash their face with soap but use moisturizers whereas the one with oily skin would have to do masks or cleansers regularly.

A great skin product is coconut oil… extra virgin 100% coconut oil. You can buy it at Costco. It’s a great cooking oil. But it’s one of the best skin products I have ever found. Not to mention it’s natural and so healthy. Use it as a moisturizer after you washed your face. It takes away dryness and redness. And it’s not super oily. You don’t need to apply a lot. It’s amazing as a conditioner for your hair as well. Rub your hair in with coconut oil and then wash your hair like you normally do. It will leave your hair silky and shiny and soft, just like the commercials. :P

Oh and I almost forgot! Sleep! Sleep, sleep sleep. If you don’t ever get fully rested at nights, you have a problem. Honestly I have found sleep is one the best beauty products out there. It solves pretty much anything. I am not exaggerating. A season in my life where I was sick and not sleeping well, I did not have great color at all in my skin. My hair was absolutely dull and lifeless with NO color. My eyes eventually looked sunken. But on the other hand I have found after just a couple of nights of getting full rest, I can visibly see when I get up and look in the mirror that my skin looks healthy with great color, those nasty zits are drying up, my eyes have a radiant look to them, AND I feel like I have lost some weight. I am not kidding you. The best way to lose weight is to get lots of sleep. And this has been proven scientifically. And proven by me. You feel bloated? Just get good rest and see what happens! And of course you will simply feel healthier and more energetic.

But how many of you know that 2 people may do all these things and have perfectly healthy beautiful bodies, but one just has this extra glow that comes from deeper than what she does on the outside to her body. This is where true beauty comes from. From the inside. This is when that person who does have a terrible disease and it has stripped their physical glory, there is still a beauty that shines from their eyes and in their smile.
Just as much as you have to keep your body healthy to look beautiful, you also need to keep your spirit and soul healthy to look beautiful. In fact, this is where it starts. This is where true lasting beauty is. I don’t know if I can fully explain this, but a bitter angry person will have a hard face. A person with a lot of pain and unforgiveness will have walls up. And it will show in their face. Their eyes look scared, not bright and open. They don’t smile fully. An anxious depressed person may easily have worry lines and acne and bloated tummy. How do I know this? For starters that is what studies show. And also, may I remind you that everything in this article is speaking from experience.
I was that angry person. I was that anxious depressed person. I struggled with many health issues from that. Panic attacks which greatly affect your breathing, sleepless nights, acne, tummy aches and the list could go on. This is a journey for all of us. I finally came to a point in my journey where I started to get rid of all that. I was tired of it. I was healed of pain, I fought that spirit of fear, I embraced who I was… a daughter of a Daddy who absolutely loves me and adores me. A daddy who gives me power and authority. I realized that I’m not a victim anymore. I have a voice and I can influence my world instead of it influencing me. I have control of my life. I let myself be loved. I let my walls down. I let people love me for who I was the ugly the bad and the good.  I got a peace. And when I let this Love hit me full force, I was able to love myself, and love others with an open heart.  Without ANY fear. What did this do to my beauty? Well, I just need to look at before and after photographs of me and then I knew. It’s very odd how obvious it is. It actually kind of amuses me. In the before pictures (even pictures where I’m young with younger skin and virgin hair ) I still look so much better now. In the before pictures her smile is timid, her eyes scream “I hope I’m pretty and people like me but I feel insecure and so I’ll put up a mask”. Her body posture is awkward and, oh my, her hairstyles are always safe and unflattering. The after pictures show a totally different person. Compared to the before picture, now her eyes are relaxed and confident. Her whole face is totally at peace. Her smile radiates true joy. I see an authority in the after face that totally was not there before in the timid face. There is a fierceness in her eyes and a glow in her skin. And I have to say her body posture is a lot less awkward with a lot more confidence.

I hope you are starting to see that most of the true beauty comes from the inside. All of this stuff I just described I could not have conjured up with makeup or diets. Some of it happened very subtly. I didn’t even realize it was happening. It was only when people who hadn’t seen me for a few years and then saw me after the change happened and I got comments like the following that I realized how much I had transformed into a beautiful person inside out: “you look different. There’s this peace in your face.” “You look so beautiful…it’s a beauty that radiates from your eyes. Something must have happened to you.”
We’re all on this journey… we’re being taken from glory to glory. And it never ends. And I believe this means our beauty is being taken from glory to glory as we let God restore our spirit, soul and body. Do you realize that this is who we were always meant to be? We are beautiful. Nothing can change that. But we can mar it by letting fear and insecurities come in. He is the one who created beauty in the first place. He is the essence of beauty. And we’re created in His image. So if we become more like him, we will have beautiful spirits, we will have beautiful minds and beautiful bodies. So let’s do our part to keep ourselves healthy in every way. And go ahead, use the creativity and eye for beauty that God gave you to enhance and play with what he gave you through makeup and fashion in your own unique way. God is also the creator so he made you creative. It is natural to want to express the beauty that you feel. But we all know where true beauty comes from, the rest is just an added touch.

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