Thursday, November 19, 2015

Snow, Christmas Decor, and Such

As I'm curled up inside on our first real snow day my mind naturally goes to Christmas. I've been in the slow process of decorating our house that we moved into a couple of months ago. Now to add Christmas to it! I'm so excited. So today I'll share some pinterest ideas that I think may be low budget and unique. These are things that I'm thinking of doing in our house. One can always dream. :)

I love the bohemian Christmas going on on the left.

And on the right, who wouldn't want a festive basin like that to welcome you home.

I definitely want a little modern Christmas tree. And so
happy for my cheap furs I got to add to my Christmas
decor. White and fur!

Isn't this tree the cutest thing! Love the little ornaments! And it saves space!

I have been keeping some old window frames from when our house got revamped.  They are perfect to do something like this with them. Any old picture frame will work.

Anyway, that will do. Till next time!